Alan Day, Chairman and Founder of State of Flux

Recent Posts

Delaying payments to suppliers

The true cost of delayed supplier payments 


Step-in Clause: Risk Mitigation or Supplier Bullying?

Are you aware that this is affecting supplier relationships?


Supplier cheats on ethics exam

Can you trust a supplier that cheats on an ethics exam...?

The Rise of Ghosting Suppliers

Why you should never ghost suppliers

Influence of Ukraine on Supply Chains and Supplier Management

In one swift move, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has disrupted European supply chains and the repercussions are expected to be felt across global networks.

The assault on the country means supply chains that depend on it for the production of everything from food, to chemicals, metals and gas; as well as those who rely on supplies coming out of Russia, are set to be affected.

And, without supply chain mapping, companies might not even know it yet.

Catch the tiger by the tail – managing major consulting organisations

You’ve heard the story before, a new executive has joined the business, has ignored all processes and bought in ‘their favourite consulting company’ to review operations and they started 3 weeks ago….

Managing consulting and professional services organisations is a challenge almost every organisation grapples with. It is often compounded by the consulting company having contacts, relationships and often alumni at all levels of your organisation, meaning that, to manage them effectively, you also need to manage your own internal stakeholders effectively as well. Here we look at the common challenges faced in managing consulting companies and some techniques to help you.

Excel vulnerabilities show risks in using the popular tool for SRM

In 11 years’ of research, State of Flux has demonstrated one very consistent feature of the way organisations manage relationships with suppliers: they fail to invest in technology. In the decade that has seen an explosion in business-ready cloud-based software such as and HubSpot, it is remarkable that for 86% of organisations, the main software for managing information about supplier relationships is Microsoft Excel.